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Y Entrevistas y Otras Referencias:


The Cientific and Logical Frame of Cifi or Scifi:

"For cifi or scifi you need to know the All Reality Knowledge is at hand of a supergenius mind and above cofiguration for Inmortals and only Highest Mortal know all Cience for Mortals cause they feel decived by the truth.

To get a complete knowledge of reality you must start with aquiring the hole math knowledge avialiable from the first law of logic, or values of true or false, derived from the instant process of aquiring conscience of I and Outside I, then the consciusness I percive reality through my I senses and therefore I must validate them.
From logic you build arithmetics, then with simple plus and rest and multiply and dive arithmetical operations you concive the Entires or Z set, then by questioning Geometry and deducing Sciences of Space (like numbers e and pi in sacred forms and square roots and triangles and then trigonometry specifical geometry (not entire divition is a speciall case called rational numbers but for completing the full line of numbers you need all space relations)) you build the set of the distance between two entire numbers and the completion of entires infinite less and plus space, so then seeing is a bigger set you build Sets theory, and question the aplifyed relations in geometry building the imaginary numbers for exanple with minus location of square root and else relations outside Reals or Completed Entire Numbers,and also more than 1 space even of different Sets derived frm Real Numbers. A complex set can be closed or not if it includes or not as Space Set the other Sets. Then you as Existence see events are messured in time acotated processess tied so You model mathematically the time as the most infinite unit of time or the Hole Number in the know most exponencial function at - or this infinite place backwards in the Complete Set or start point of the highest exponencial or growing function origin . The Three laws of Newton Dynamics is the basic dedution for what does a motion in a mathematical model is influatied and influiates the set, so law of innercy of logically how to move a point of the set, law of effect and cause the consecuences and effects of moving the obect in a set and law of frce of how to weight the strenght to move the object due to its weight or resistance to be moved derived of taking the object as dynamyc system not independent but with an event horizon of input and output relative to the object inside the set.)
Knowing the Cience of Math and Fisics from All Matter and Antimatter Particles To Astrophisics Chemistry particular Cience, you can study by math models Soul Phisics and Biology, Evolution, etc.

Then You deduce the Laws of History, War, and Peace.

And The History of Universe till the New Point or Where other Inmortals can Create something Really New or Break Point of History.

Then you born in Reality against Omosexuals cause these ones are aginst Evolution and Inmortals´ Inmortatility.

And you see that the highest mortals or terrorist, fight to see in the Free Wills part of History they can take out a name of Inmortal Names by wronging its will or breakng them wrong before the desition.


But for cifi or scifi you need to know the Reality Knowledge is at hand of a supergenius mind cofiguration for Inmortals and only Highest Mortals know Cience for Mortals cause they feel decived by the truth. And that the War between Goods and Viles are a Moral lesson based on the carency of Eternal Life by Mortals or Mortals" eternal dead, that can be their questioning, motive, religion impulse against God and Devil, etc.

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